Sunday, September 9, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

After a two month hiatus from the job hunt, I have returned to the world of resumes, cover letters, and job search sites. I wield a new and improved resume and a new found pickiness for what I am applying for. Instead of applying for every single position that looks remotely relevant to what I want to do, I am focusing on jobs that I really want. I already have a job that, while is not exactly stimulating, is stable and kind of fun, so I'm not longer in the desperate-I just need a job to survive-period.

I have also shifted my job search focus to mainly Chicago. I am tired of not knowing where I'll be in the next month(s)/year. I want to be able to make plans and buy furniture (I am still sleeping on an air mattress). I'll admit I wasn't thrilled about staying in the Chicago area at first, but I have come to love it here, so I'm planning on sticking around for a while. I'm sure I'll hate myself for it December-March when I'm freezing to death.

So right now I'm in a pretty good place where I'm hoping the right job comes along. However, if it takes some more time, I can live with that too.