Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Another Turning Point

The twists and turns of my vagabondage to vocation have continued. About a month ago I was told the company I moved down to Houston to work for could no longer afford to pay me full-time, so I started working part-time. My job eventually turned into mostly running errands and doing social media.

I took the opportunity to make my jump into the world of public relations and started a part-time internship with a communications agency here. I also started doing social media for a dance company on the side.

I've been working at the agency for about two weeks, and I absolutely love it. You can read my first blog post for the agency here.

Yesterday, I  was officially laid off of my job as the Director of Marketing. The company can no longer pay me. I was not offered a severance package or compensated for the two weeks of vacation I did not take.

However, I am not viewing my loss of job as a tragedy, but rather an opportunity to find a job I really love in my field. I woke up this morning with a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I have gone into work for months now wondering if that was going to be the day I would leave work without a job. Now that is has finally happened, I am relieved.

I am a worrier. I lay awake at night and worry. Yet, I am at peace with the changes I am going through right now. I am glad I took the PDS job as it brought me down to Houston. The agency is going to increase my hours as we take on some new projects. Soon, I am going to start doing social media for a gelato company as well.

After work at the agency today, I went to the dance studio where the owner offered to double my hours with them. I will be helping run the Fine Arts (ballet, tap, hip-hop) side of the studio in addition to doing their social media.

So, as you can see, there have been a number of changes lately. When I got my first "real" job I wasn't sure if I should keep this blog going as I thought I had finished my "vagabondage." I've now realized that it will never truly end, and I don't know where it will take me. Thanks for coming along for the ride.