Thursday, March 27, 2014

Five Minutes to Fall in Love

Hello again! I know every post I promise I'm not going to disappear again, and then I do. Sorry, I suck. Anyway, the job hunt is back on! (I know, when isn't it?) After my PR internship ended in December, I started freelancing as a social media manager full-time. While I love the flexibility that comes with making my own hours and picking my own clients (my clients are all amazing), sitting at home alone all day having full conversations with my dog is taking a toll on my mental state.

After three and a half months of doing the freelance gig, I'm still not quite up to full-time hours. Therefore, I'm back in the job hunting game searching for the next chapter. Luckily, Houston is a fantastic city full of networking opportunities.

Tonight I went to my first Ad 2 Houston event at The Company of Others for Toast & Tour. I wish I'd heard about this organization a long time ago! In just a couple of hours I made so many connections and new friends in the industry. As a current freelancer, any opportunity to get out and be social with others in my industry is really exciting. Ad 2 Houston is specifically geared towards young professionals, so there is the added bonus that a lot of the members there are around my age. We commiserated over the risks of working at a start-up, moving to a new city, and hunting for meaningful employment outside of the oil and gas industry.

I participated in my first "speed interviews." It was definitely a different approach than anything in which I had participated before. I suppose it was probably a bit like speed dating (not that I've done that either). How do I make this person fall in love with me in five to ten minutes?

Tomorrow I have an interview for a magazine journalism job. I'm very excited! I promise, seriously, to keep ya'll (look I'm a Texan now) in the loop.

And now for your literary musical entertainment, listen to Vampire Weekend's "Oxford Comma."

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