Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's not what you know; it's...

...what your alumni relations will provide. Not long after I moved to the city, I posted on the Purdue Alumni Club of Chicago's LinkedIn page saying that I'd just moved to the city, was looking for a job, and requesting any advice people could give me. About a month ago, I received a message from a fellow member of the club asking what it is that I would like to do. After exchanging a few emails, I sent him my resume, and he passed it on to their recruiting team.

A couple weeks later I got a call from one of the recruiters wanting to set up a time to talk to me about the Advertising Coordinator position. A couple days later I proceeding to have the world's shortest interview lasting all of three minutes. I was asked:

Where did I go to school?
What did I major in?
What am I doing now?
Why am I interested in the position/company?
What are my salary requirements?
When could I start?

He said he would forward my information back to the company, and they should contact me by the end of the next week to set up an onsite interview. That was two weeks ago. I emailed the recruiter and haven't heard anything, so my next plan of action is to contact the company and make sure they received my info and I haven't slipped through the cracks. Oh the joys of waiting...

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