Sunday, January 6, 2013

Houston Calling

Since the whole Chicago interview/job-seeking process hasn't been working out so well (one semi-interview in 6 months of living here), and it is officially freezing here, I did something a little crazy not expecting anything to come from it. I applied for two positions in Houston that looked perfect. They both popped up on the PR/Marketing job board I was using at the time, and I thought hey-why not, not actually thinking anything wold come from it.

The next day I got an email from a small health food company who had reviewed my application and would like to set up a phone interview with me for their Director of Marketing position. You've got to be kidding me. After over 100+ applications here and 2 in Houston, I get an interview in Houston. I emailed them back saying I'd love to talk to them about the position and proceeded to do my homework on the company. It looked like it checked out, and I started to get a little excited about the position.

A couple days later, I had a phone interview with the CEO of the company. It went really, really well! (I think) The position sounds absolutely amazing. I would manage all of the social media for the company (Facebook/twitter/pinterest/blog). I would basically create the blog and post a couple times a week. There would be a little sales involved as well. So working at Nordstrom actually helped me there. After discussing the position, he talked to me about Houston, what the city is like, things to do there. Texas is in my top two places I'd like to live, so I was already sold. I was given a homework assignment for the next week. I had to come up with a couple blog posts, facebook, and twitter posts promoting their new product line that will be released this spring.

I had so much fun working on that "assignment!" I have thoroughly missed getting to use my brain for something other than folding jeans. I spent the next few days carrying around a notebook and jotting ideas for what to send back as my sort of audition. About four or five days later, I emailed the document with my work and prepared to sit back and wait for the results.

Not 12 hours later, I received an email back saying that he loved my work, it was exactly what he was looking for, and he would like to interview me in person! It so happened that I am already going to Houston in a couple weeks, and he was available to interview me while I'm down there! So on Friday, January 18th, I will have my first real, on site interview in Houston!!