Thursday, January 10, 2013

Final hp Interview

Today's interview with hp wasn't just with a manager, it was with the hiring manager for the position. This was definitely that most in-depth interview I had. He started by going over the position again and asked how my past interviews had gone.

Questions that were asked in this interview:
Are you willing to relocate to Houston?
What is your writing experience?
What is your tech writing experience? Who was the audience?
What is your experience working with HTML/XML?
What do you know about Clean Global English?
What is your leadership experience? What did you learn?
When is a time you have worked in a diverse environment?
Are you able to work under pressure?
How well can you manage multiple projects?
Do you work better alone or in a group?
On a scale of 1-5, how well do you understand computers?

He then turned the tables and allowed me to ask any questions I had. I asked:
Within the PC division, what would I be working on? (notebooks)
What is a normal turn around time for the advisories?
How long is a typical advisory?
How large is the Houston site?

Apparently the Houston site is HUGE! They took over the Compaq campus when they merged, and sold off part of it to a nearby community college. The site has five or six buildings what are all connected, so you don't have to go out into the weather. Apparently hp is that largest and most profitable PC company in the world, so that's pretty impressive.

I will hear back about the job by a week from tomorrow, Friday. This happens to be the same day I have my in-person interview with Sol Bliss. So that should be an exciting day! Now, it seems this was my last interview, yet I have another one scheduled with the recruiter tomorrow. I am a little confused what that one is about. Guess I'll find out!

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