Sunday, January 6, 2013

But Wait! There's More!

I applied for two jobs in Houston. I didn't really expect to hear back from either one, let alone get an interview. Then I got the interview for the health food company. A couple days ago, I got an email from an event planning company wanting to set up a phone interview for a position in their marketing division. I could not believe what I was reading. I had gotten more interviews in three days than I have in the last six months combined (and not for lack of trying- I spend my days off applying).

I started researching the company, did my Glassdoor background check and looked for company reviews online. I can't find much about the company strangely. This makes it seem a little iffy. They emailed me asking a couple questions about myself, when I can start, if I have my own transportation, and why I'm interested in the position. They also provided a list of clients, which I've never seen with any other scam company I have run across.

I still haven't decided if the place is legit or not, but I figured it can't hurt to set up the phone interview and see what they have to say. So, today I will email them back and start the process. This will make my fifth interview set up in Houston in a week. Apparently Texas wants me!

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