Sunday, January 6, 2013

H-Town Bound?

The day after I scheduled my on site interview in Houston, I got an email from HP (Hewlett-Packard) saying they saw my resume and would like to set up a series of three interviews for their Advisory Writer position in, here's the really crazy part, Houston. I couldn't remember applying for this position. I looked back through my emails and there was nothing from HP. I went to the HP website to see if I had created an account to apply there-nothing.

Then I remembered my roommate, who works for HP in Chicago, had taken my resume into work to put my name in the hat for a tech writer position there. Apparently, HP puts the resumes they receive in a database that can be viewed by other sites as well. Of all places, Houston is the one that picked up my resume and decided to contact me. The coincidence it just too crazy.

I emailed them back; of course I would like to speak to them! Within 24 hours, I had three different phone interviews scheduled in four days. Next week is going to be a busy week! 

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