Friday, January 11, 2013

Surprise! The Real Final hp Interview

This morning was my real final hp interview with a HR person. Apparently the hiring manager I talked to yesterday asked her to interview me as well. This was a little more basic interview asking the standard questions most people ask. We talked about my background/schooling/GPA. Questions asked:

So you speak any other languages?
What is your greatest strength/weakness?
Tell me about a writing project you've done.
What is your learning style?
What do you do to keep learning?
How do you manage multiple projects?
When is a time you displayed excellent customer service?
How well do you work in groups?
What would you if you were in a group with someone difficult to work with?
What would you do if you had to work with someone you'd never met before?
How do you manage your time?
When could you start?

Overall I think this interview went very well. I will find out a week from today if I get the position. If I am offered and accept, there is a three week screening process before I can start, so that gives me some time to wrap up things up here, pack, and head down south to warmer weather. She could not believe it was 40 degrees here and that was unusually warm for this time of year. ha So, interviews completed, now the waiting starts.

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