Tuesday, January 8, 2013

hp Interview #1

I had my first phone interview with hp yesterday morning, and I think it went well. I interviewed with a lady who started out in the job I am interviewing for, so it was nice that she was able to give me a more in-depth look at what I would be doing as an advisory writer. The position was described to me as- when a customer has a problem with their computer (It crashed what do it do!?!?), they send an email to hp. That email is sent to the engineers who figure out how to fix the issue. Because it is widely acknowledged that engineers cannot write, their solution would be sent to me. I would then take their solution and rewrite it without the technical jargon so normal people could figure out what to do. I would be the technical writing go-between. Apparently because everything I would be writing is very time sensitive, this position is a step above the technical writer position. It is also more "technical."

The lady that interviewed me has an English Literature degree from UH, so it was nice that she knew my background and could give me some insight into the transition. We talked about my background, why I'm interested in the company, and what technical writing means to me. I told her I worked on the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) webmaster document. She was pretty excited as she used the OWL site when she worked at the writing lab at UH, so that was pretty cool.

Tomorrow morning I have my second phone interview. I will be talking to a current technical writer in Taiwan. Since I've never interviewed for a tech job before, I'm not sure what all they will be asking me, which is a little nerve-wracking. In preparation, I am brushing up on my HTML and XML. I should probably get back to that right now. Interview #2 here I come!

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