Wednesday, January 9, 2013

hp Interview #2

I had the world's earliest phone interview at 8 am this morning with an hp advisory writer in Taiwan. He went over the job description with me a little more and asked about my experience with HTML and XML. Apparently I wouldn't have to code in XML at all. I'd just have to be able to read it, so that's easy enough. I wouldn't be coding much at all, but sometimes when writing, the code breaks, so I'd have to open it up and figure out what went wrong.

Some of the other questions he asked me:
What am I currently writing?
What do I write for Halftime and DCW?
How long are my articles usually?
What kind of audiences have I written for?
Am I able to manage projects at the same time?
How do I react when yelled at? (Uhhh...)
What would I do if given multiple projects from different people who say theirs is the highest priority?
Why hp/this position?
What kind of tech writing have I done? Who was the audience?

Final question he asked was have I set up the next interview yet. So I think that's encouraging. I have my third interview tomorrow morning with a manager. The week of interviews is half over, and I think things are looking pretty good!

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