Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hell Yeah Houston!

Hello all! Don't worry, I haven't died! Call off the search parties! I apologize for my extended absence and lack of crucial information as my vagabondage has taken me down south to Houston. I now have a blog for the company, and I couldn't decide if I should keep this thing going after accepting a position, but after my hiatus, I've missed getting to write about my adventures. Therefore, I'm back! I'll give you a quick and dirty timeline to get ya'll up to speed!

January- Offered and accepted the position of Director of Marketing at Productos del Sol

February-Rented a 24 foot Penske truck (that is a HUGE truck), loaded all of my junk (there's a lot of that), and made the 1090 mile journey to Texas

March-Started my position at Productos del Sol

April/May- lots of traveling for work, made a website and blog, wrote/starred in/edited Youtube videos, designed/placed banner ads, set up nationwide sponsorships, made sales pitches, demoed product (to give you a taste)

My first "winter" in Houston was awesome! I felt like I was on vacation, but I had all my stuff with me!  No snow here! I am beginning to get a taste of my first summer. Everyone keeps telling me to watch out, that I'll be miserable. Hot > Cold in my book. I guess we've had a mild spring because it wasn't in the 90s on Easter. It's been chilling in the mid 90s for the last couple weeks. My apartment complex has a pool, so perfect swimming weather. Getting to spend weekends lounging by the pool and splashing around in a bathwater temp pool-perfection in my opinion. It's ok to be jealous. :)

Some things I am having trouble getting used to:

1. Driving everywhere- coming from Chicago, I get intense longings to just go walk around, but Houston is huge and spread-out so that usually isn't an option.

2. Bars- In Chicago the bars are very much a part of daily life, not reserved for the weekends. Houstonians view it more as a weekend only thing and choose restaurants over bars on weekdays.

3. Air Conditioning EVERYTHING- Houston has the nickname of being the most air conditioned city in the world. I believe it. At last week's Astros baseball game I was rocking a tank top, shorts, flip-flops, and sunscreen ready to get my tan on, only to get into Minute Maid Stadium and find the roof closed and the AC cranked. Weirdest baseball experience ever.

4. Sports- I miss my Chicago/Purdue teams with a passion. A glimpse of a Bears hat or Purdue bumper sticker throws me into such an excited tizzy I know that person is going to be my new best friend!

Some completely awesome things about my new city (other than the weather):

1. The intense pride and love Houstonians have for their city. Check out the new Houston Is Inspired campaign.

2. Space. Yeah I know this was kind of on the having trouble list too, but there is something about having 6 lane roads and real parking spots that makes you want to stretch your arms and sigh.

3. Speed Limits- (optional) Texas cops seem to live and let live. Do the speed limit on the freeways or even 10 over, and you're likely to make a lot of people very angry. No 25mph limits for this city!

4.The people- Everyone down here is so, so nice (unless you are driving at 25 mph). You will never get a door slammed in your face. You are not an inconvenience to sales people. When people tell you to have a nice day, it isn't just an expression; they actually mean it!

5. Palm trees- They're everywhere! I love it!

Ok, this post is getting on the long side, so I will sign off here with the promise I am not going to disappear into the abyss for another four months. Get ready for a lot more Hell Yeah Houston!

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