Monday, August 6, 2012

I can check you out

I have to wonder whose brilliant idea it was to put the phrase "I can check you out" on the back of a shirt to be worn by mostly women in a men's department. Nordstrom has started a new mobile check out system where the sales people on the floor carry iPhones, and customers can come straight to us to pay for their purchases (รก l'Apple Store). So far, the system has been really cool and helps keep the lines down at the registers downstairs. I like working mobile; it makes the time go by faster, and I get to talk to people more.

While working mobile, we wear bright green shirts with "I can check you out" across the back. Announcements are made periodically telling people about the new system, and all they have to do is find a person in a green shirt to pay directly on the floor with a credit/debit card.

You can imagine the remarks that are made throughout the day. Most guys my age, if they say anything about it, make a quick stab, grin, and continue on. However, it seems that the older men like to take it a step further, presumably to watch me squirm. I find it odd. Though, for a dollar extra an hour for working mobile, I can definitely tolerate oddness.

I still haven't been trained on register, which is fine with me. I like it better upstairs. I was one of the first sales people to volunteer to be trained on mobile, (I thought way ahead and figured they'd let us wear jeans with the tee shirts we had to wear. Turns out this was a correct assumption.) so I am getting to work it almost everyday.

I get asked several times a day if we have to use our own phones or if Nordstrom gave everyone phones to keep. The store owns the phones, and I'm pretty sure if anyone attempted to walk out with one of the store's iPhones, they would be fired on the spot. I had to sign a contract yesterday that informed me that if I lost the key to the iPhone storage case, I would be terminated immediately. So yeah, I'm not going to lose that key...

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