Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend Waiting

I have come to form a love/hate relationship with the weekend. On one hand, I have today off, so not working on a Saturday is nice (especially since I'm sick). On the other hand, I know that I have two long days of waiting for emails ahead of me. I feel foolish as I check my email for the tenth time in a half hour, since no one is going to email me back about jobs or interviews during their weekends. You would think during this long, drawn-out job quest, I would have learned to have patience by now. Instead, I have attempted to employ the technique of distraction and just not thinking about it. (It hasn't worked too well so far.) Every email that shows up in my inbox sends my heart leaping, and then it's usually something from Purdue about tickets for a game/concert/event.

However, I have the fortune of getting three Saturdays off in a row, which is very exciting. Since I said I would work weekends, I pretty much volunteered away any free time I shared with the rest of the working world. Today, the extent of my productivity has been installing our air conditioning units in the apartment. It's pretty nice to have a day with nothing to do.

I am very excited to help work the Halftime Magazine booth at DCI Finals in Indianapolis next Saturday.  For the first time this season, I will not be covering the shows I will be watching, so it will be a different experience than what I've had so far. It will be a little strange not scribbling notes furiously while not wanting to miss anything in the shows. I can't wait to see all of the changes that have been made since that last time I saw the corps. Good luck to all the members, especially age-outs, as they start their final week of the 2012 season.

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