Monday, August 6, 2012

JPUR release

My research snapshot in Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research has been published! It is released in print on Friday and apparently was released online two weeks ago (I was never informed). Click on the link to read it! There is a citation under the article! I can be cited!

The snapshot is the abstract for the research I conducted my senior year at Purdue. My advisor and I looked at essays written about Annie Leibovitz's photographs in her collection "Women" in terms of women, careers, and leadership.

My research was selected to be published by the JPUR advisory board last semester. I attended some workshops and a poster session where I presented my research. Then I submitted the final abstract to be included in the second volume of JPUR. I am pretty excited to see it in print as well.

My advisor will be interpreting my findings and publishing a paper of her own on our research later this year. I will be listed as a co-author in that paper, so I will be able to be cited in another academic source! There are so many awesome things you can do with writing, I am so excited to begin this journey.

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