Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 Minute Phone Interview

I just finished my phone interview with Nordstrom Rack in Chicago. I have an onsite interview this Friday!! The phone interview lasted a whopping 5 minutes and one minute of hold while she scheduled a time for my next interview.

Questions asked:
Why do I want to work at Nordstrom?
Do I shop at Nordstrom?
Why the shoe department?
Why would you work well with customers?
Tell me a time when you had to use customer service skills.
Tell me a time when you had to manage multiple tasks at the same time.
Nordstrom is a diverse workplace. When is a time you dealt with diversity?
When are you available? (all the time, I have no life ha)

Friday I have an interview with the Shoe Dept manager. Looks like I'll need to get a hair cut before then. yay :)

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