Sunday, July 15, 2012

Apartment Hunting

The Great Apartment Hunt has begun and there is one word to describe it, depressing. We've seen five apartments in two days.

The first apartment waaayyyy north, I feared for my life, and it was raining so hard we had to practically swim there.

Second one was also way north, too far north (about an hour) from the loop and about two blocks from sketchiness.

Third one was an okay place in an okay neighborhood, not great.

Fourth was the same, ok place, okish neighborhood. I don't think my knowledge of English or French is going to help me there.

Fifth was absolutely gorgeous and way out of our price range.

We then just walked around and got information off For Rent signs on buildings. We'll start calling those tomorrow. (After my first day of work!) We inquired about a lot of places Friday night, so hopefully we will hear back from some of them tomorrow.

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