Monday, July 9, 2012

What Options?

I just finished writing my next article for Drum Corps World. It should be in the next newsletter to be released on Friday July 13th. I had more trouble writing this one than the others for some reason. Probably because I have seen some of the corps four times now, and it's getting harder to say something new about the shows that haven't changed much. I did get to see the Madison Scouts for the first time. They were absolutely amazing.

Nordstrom sent me my paperwork to be completed before my first day of work (a week from today). I'm struggling with what to do about my living situation at the moment. I am still applying for other jobs in my field, so I don't necessarily want to sign a lease limiting me to one place for the next year. However, after some calculations it looks like commuting will cost almost as much as paying rent in the city would, plus a four hour commute each day. The more time I spend commuting, the less time I will have outside of work to work on my writing jobs, which are so important to me. Keeping my options open, as I feared, is getting harder and harder as time goes by.

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