Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Day

Yesterday was my first day of work! It went really, really well. My manager and co-workers are all really nice. I couldn't believe how quickly time went by. I worked six hours, and it felt like I was there for two. I've found I really like working in the men's department, as when guys need help they tend to look completely lost. ha It makes it easy to pick out who needs help. A lot of the time it was a guy wondering around with a dress shirt looking at ties with a look of distress on his face. I am going to become an expert tie-picker-outer pretty soon I think.

When I was hired on I was told I would get about 30-35 hours, and eventually they would increase. My manager gave me my schedule at the end of my shift yesterday, and I am working a full 40 hours this week! yay!! Today is my day off. I work Wed-Sat learning how to open and close. It's great to work for a place that actually trains you and insures you understand what you are doing rather than just throwing you to the lions and yelling at you (erm McDonalds). We had someone call off yesterday, so instead of just shadowing like I was suppose to, I was actually put to work on the floor, which I liked. I worked the fitting room, organized ties and dress shirts, and helped people who needed assistance.

It's pretty fast paced, which I love. There isn't really any standing around with nothing to do, so that made time go by really quickly. Plus, I get to talk to people as part of my job, so I thoroughly enjoy that part. Most people seem pretty happy to tell you why they are buying their clothes, what the new dress shirt is for, how their day is going. In just a day, I have met a lot of interesting people.

Tomorrow I close, so I will learn what that entails, cleaning the store and getting it ready for the next day. I'm trying to stay out of the women's department/shoes/accessories so I won't spend my paycheck before I get it. ha I was afraid to open my mouth while we were in the stock room yesterday in case I started drooling. I'm quite excited to get back to work tomorrow, especially since I'm closing I can get up at a normal hour. I was up at 5am and in bed my 9pm yesterday. I fear I'm getting old.

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