Friday, July 6, 2012

I got a job!!!

I got the job at Nordstrom Rack today!! I went into my interview at 11 am in the State Street store. It lasted about an hour. During that time I had three interviews and two walk throughs. I originally came in to interview for a position in the shoe dept. I met the shoe dept manager and interviewed with him. We then did a walk through of the store, focusing on the shoe department. After that he went to get the store manager so I could meet her. Instead the manager of the men's dept came in to interview me, so I interviewed for that as well. Finally, the store manager came in and talked to me in a less formal interview manner.

They asked a lot of standard questions:
Why here?
What's your greatest work related accomplishment?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What skills do you offer than can better our company?
Describe a situation where you...

Stuff like that, three interviews I'm not going to try to list them all. After I finished talking to the store manager, the men's manager took me on a walk through in the men's dept. He explained the basics of what happens, where things go, that kind of stuff. I was asked if I had any preference in what department I worked in, I didn't. I just want a job.

The shoe dept was only hiring part-time. The men's dept was hiring full-time and part-time. They said it was possible I could be hired part-time and eventually work up to full after people start going back to school and such. I could also work part in shoes and part in men's making me full-time. They said they would be in touch with me within the week, but they hoped it wouldn't take long. However, they were interviewing other people, so it would take time.

About an hour later the manager of the men's dept called me and said he was so impressed with my interview that he wanted to offer me a full-time position with his dept! Yay! I will start on Monday, July 16th. I'll start at 30-35 hours a week and increase as I get trained and people start leaving for school. I will be working the fitting room, stocking, inventory, customer service, ect.

They stressed throughout my interviews how Nordstrom usually hires/promotes internally and with the rate they are growing there will be room for growth quickly. They said this job could be a stepping stone to eventually working on the Nordstrom marketing team, which would be amazing!

Funny story, I was hired and rejected by the same company on the same day. About ten minutes after I accepted the job, I got an email from a different Nordstrom store telling me they were going to interview different candidates. I found this rather amusing.

Finally, I have a job where I get paid! I will hopefully be moving into Chicago as soon as possible. I just have to get the whole housing situation figured out. That's all I have for now, more details to come I'm sure. Now I'm off to celebrate!

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