Monday, July 2, 2012


My second article for Drum Corps World has just been sent in! Yay! The next issue should be released later this week. The article had a rough start, but I think it turned into a decent piece. I always start writing early in case I get into one of those weird funks where I just can't seem to write anything decent. That happened to me yesterday. I sat down to write three different times, and although I pretty much knew what I wanted to say and had a notebook full of notes from the show, the words just would not come. At that point I know if I try to force it, all I am going to end up with is garbage. So, I went to sleep and woke up this morning ready to write.

Even in school I'd always found that allowing myself at least a week to write a major paper was always the best route. I never understood my roommate who would start a paper hours before it was due. Working under pressure isn't always a bad thing, but when you're down to the wire there's no time for edits. I like being able to walk away from what I've written and come back later with fresh eyes to be able to really evaluate my work. But, hey, whatever works I guess.

Tomorrow I have my phone interview with Nordstrom Rack. Bad news, I have a sinus infection that's doing strange things to my voice. It seems today will be a day full of tea and sinus meds in hopes that I can sound somewhat normal tomorrow. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

  1. "I never understood my roommate who would start a paper hours before it was due."

    Hey, that's me!
