Monday, June 18, 2012


I'll catch you up on the basic highlights of my search so far. I have interviewed for four jobs.

1. Digital Marketing Analyst- Houston, TX
I had two or three phone interviews for this one. I would have used Google Analytics to track the traffic to their clients' websites. Lots of number, which are not my forte. I wasn't too upset when they decided I was too creative and not analytical enough for the position.

2. Marketing- Chicago, IL
False start. I applied for a job recommended to me by my school's career site. Turns out the place was a scam. Everyone that applied got an interview and most were hired. Turnover rate was very high as it was door to door sales. Not my idea of fun, or safe. No thanks, cancelled the interview.

3. Marketing Intern- Atlanta, GA
I had a phone interview and a writing test for a Marketing firm in Atlanta. The interview went really well, and I was really, really excited about the job. However, the person I interviewed with left the company, and I couldn't get in touch with anyone else, so no job for me.

4. Marketing Associate- Marietta, GA
My first on site interview!! I was in Atlanta for a week and scheduled an on site interview with a publishing company in Marietta. I was very excited about the job. The interview lasted a whopping 15 minutes...a good sign? A bad sign? I really had no idea. I got an email the next day telling me I'd made it to the next round, a writing test. English Major, writing is my jam! I was pumped. A week later I got an email saying they'd received my writing samples, and they'd be in touch soon. About two weeks later (not my definition of soon) I was told the position had been filled. I was absolutely crushed.

So this leads to today. 200 applications. 4(ish) interviews. No job.


  1. Brave to share, Carolyn. More importantly, a place to practice your craft as you wait for that great job you so justly deserve to emerge.

  2. Good luck, kiddo. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Keep blogging about the process of obtaining the interviews too. We readers would like to know HOW you went about obtaining the interviews, k? Also, would LOVE to have read about how what that 15 minute interview sounded like... ;)
