Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Writing Sample Conundrum

I applied for an editorial internship with Halftime Magazine today. Halftime is a bi-monthly marching magazine that covers high school, college, drum corps, indoor percussion, and winter guard. It would give me more experience writing about music and marching as well as introduce me to the inner workings of magazine publishing.

I have been given conflicting advice from different sources about writing samples when applying for magazines. A couple people suggested that I write sample articles that could be used in their magazine, so I can show that I will be able to write for their publications on the topics and in the style they are looking for. On the other hand, someone else was wary of this idea in case the magazine takes my article and runs it without my permission. I am not really sure what to do. I have published writing samples I have been using, and now that I am building my portfolio with my current writing jobs I have a wider variety to choose from. Would it really be worth my time to write articles for potential jobs? Should I send in articles I have already done? Should I do a combination? You'd think after 226 applications I'd be a master at this. However, I've found applying for writing jobs is quite different than applying for other positions.

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