Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My 15 Minutes of...Interview?

TeacherLisa thought it would be interesting to hear about my 15 minute interview in Marietta, so here we go. The interview was originally going to be a phone interview. However, when the day came, the girl I was going to interview with was called into a meeting. She suggested we try again later in the week. I had already planned on being in Atlanta visiting some friends at that time. I told her this, and she seemed very excited that we could have a face to fee interview. My very first! 

Fast forward a few days, 432 miles, and a 1.5 hour plane ride. Interview time! My friend drove me to my interview which from the outside of the building looked like it was going to take place in a warehouse. I went inside and the office was gorgeous! Not bad for a barn looking building. I arrived ten minutes early, because early is on time, right? I was offered water and sat in the reception area for what seemed like an eternity trying to keep my nerves in check.

Interview time! I was lead back into her office. She wasn't a whole lot older than me which was nice. She started by asking if I had any family in the area. Nope-I come in search of warmer pastures (of course stated a little more eloquently). My best friends live in the area and love it. She then asked me to tell her something about me that wasn't on my resume. I described a little about myself, what I like to do (read, play the trumpet) yadda yadda. What is your experience with social media? What is your favorite brand/company that uses Pinterest or Twitter well?

She then went on to describe the job and the company. What I would be doing, what she did in the position last year. She asked if I had any questions. Being that it was 15 minutes into the interview, I told her I didn't have any questions yet. Then she stood up, shook my hand, thanked me for coming in, and started walking me to the door. WAIT WHAT!? It's over? No. So I started scrambling to regroup. I'm very excited about the position. It sounds like a great company. And it was over. 

I flew three hours round trip for 15 minutes... My friend had driven to the gas station to pick up some drinks and had just returned. The look of confusion on his face mirrored my own. "You're done?" Yep, guess so. I had no idea what so short an interview meant.

In order to keep my name in the conversation and just being polite, I went to the store and bought some Thank You notes. The thank you note was in the mail the next day. The same day I got an email telling me I'd made it to the second round of the interview process. Next I would have a writing test. Yay! Writing tests are my jam. I responded with my writing samples the next day and sat back to wait...and wait...

So there you have it, my minuscule interview. 

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