Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Unpaid and Not Complaining

Working for free doesn't mean you won't get anything out of the deal. In a market that is so driven by experience, it's important to get it anyway you can. I have my first real job assignment tomorrow (!) writing for Drum Corps World, a free online magazine. I have a very official looking press badge which gives me free admission into the several DCI (Drum Corps International) shows I will be covering as a staff writer. No, I do not get paid for my articles, but I get free admission, (saving me at least $20 a show) and I will be  published and appear under the staff section of the magazine. This experience will look great on my resume and help build my professional portfolio. As a DCI alumnus, I am really excited to be able to combine my love of marching and passion for writing with this unique experience. I mean sure, working for free isn't the dream, but hopefully these baby step will lead to something bigger and better in the future. At least my name will be out there.

If you'd like to read my articles, you can get a free subscription to Drum Corps World by clicking on the link. The first volume of the 2012 season will be out early next week and will be emailed to you. I will be covering three shows in the next week. 

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