Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Beautiful Thing

I have been offered a freelance writing position with an upstart Christian magazine. The great thing is they are working on their first issue, so I will be there from the very beginning. The unfortunate part is it's unpaid for now. Because they're launching the first issue, there is no client base, and therefore no subscription list and very little money. They currently don't sell advertising, so the publication is funded internally. If I were to write a feature article, I would be paid for the rights to that article for three months. Anything else, I retain the rights but am not paid for. However, eventually they should get a subscribers list and move from online base into print and be able to pay the writers. yay!

The magazine is for women ages 21-40. I have to write a sample article on the first issue's theme and send it in to be considered for publication. So, it looks like I will be writing an article today! Right now, while I'm still looking for a full-time job, this will give me more experience and exposure. Fingers crossed that someday someone is going to pay me for my work. It'll make buying food a lot easier. ha

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