Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I just got a rejection email from a department store for a part-time position at a perfume counter. Really? It appears I am now over qualified for such a position. Yet, I cannot seem to get a position I AM qualified for.  I am in a predicament. I'm told that places like that are going to be weary of hiring me because they will know I will keep looking for a full-time "real" job even if I get that one. For some reason I had this crazy idea that finding a filler job was going to be way easier than the real job hunt. Apparently, not as easy as I thought.

Do I settle and just ask for minimum wage?
Do I ask for a little more because of my education?

I'm not completely sure how I should be playing these apps. Honestly, it feels a little weird thinking that I am qualified for a real job. Six months ago I was a college senior without a degree and therefore unqualified for most positions. Now, because I walked across a stage and received a piece of paper, I apparently know enough to hold my own in the real world. What's the difference in me between those months? I don't feel any different. I'm pretty sure I didn't have an epiphany about the English language or how to write it when handed my diploma. I suppose it's like when you turn 21 and can finally go into a liquor store. Just a day older than yesterday, but now capable of doing so much more.

I've found looking back on the past month, from graduation to now, that I have learned so much about my field through applying places. If I don't know a skill or term they ask for, I look it up. I research everything about a place before the interview. If they want experience with Google Analytics, I started using it yesterday, and I will know the program. I guess you can't expect to learn everything in school. Especially when I have to take a bunch of crap I'll never have to use again, like Introduction to Meteorology, yeah English major...I'll use that...thanks. However, you continue learning and growing on your own. I obviously still have a lot to learn.


  1. Yeah, I'm finding this frustrating, too. I'm luckily in that I knew the right people at the right time to get the work I currently have, but those contracts are up in August. So when those expire it's back to the drawing board.

    I wouldn't look at the classes like Meteorology as useless or crap. COM 114? Yes, unadulterated, useless, and crap. But college has always been (or should be) about more than getting a job. Otherwise, Purdue is a glorified trade school and not a tier 1 research institution. You recieved a quality education with great breadth and depth of study. Some employer will appreciate it.

    This is unfortunately how it works for Lib Arts majors. It takes time. But we'll figure it out.

  2. I once hired a writer on eLance. The guy lived in Indiana and was a writer working from home. He did great work and I paid a decent wage. Try listing yourself there and bidding on jobs. oDesk too.

    P.S. Just a heads up in case any of your future employers check this site out for writing samples... "What's the different in me". I think you meant difference. Also, you can't download Google Analytics. It is a cloud application. Just a heads up for when a future employer asks.
