Thursday, June 21, 2012

Drum Corps World Gig

I had my first official writing assignment for Drum Corps World last night! I've worked in journalism before and never really loved it. However, I've decided if I could get a job covering music events such as DCI as an actual job, I'd be the happiest person ever. Getting to cover shows of the organization that is such a huge part of my life is such an honor. It was fun going back to see my friends who are still marching too. Drum corps is such an amazing networking opportunity on top of the physical and mental aspects. I have made friends all over the country through DCI and made some exciting business connections too. So back to the point, it is so amazing to have the opportunity to interview people who have had such a major impact on my life and the organization as a whole. Although, it's always a little nerve wracking at the same time. Since I don't have the experience to be able to teach corps like a lot of people my age who can no longer march, getting to write about the activity is the greatest thing I can think of, honestly. Paid or unpaid, I would not trade this gig for anything.

I thought my article was going to be a little blurb in the magazine giving a basic overview of the show. My supposed blurb is actually a full article with pictures! I wrote my article this morning using the large quantity of notes (I probably take too many) I took at the show last night. The document was turned in a couple hours ago and should be released tomorrow! It will be emailed out as long as you signed up for your free subscription to Drum Corps World Magazine. If you haven't, you should probably get on that!

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