Wednesday, June 27, 2012

eLance- Hired!

Someone commented on one of my posts suggesting I use eLance to bid on freelance writing jobs, so today I created a profile on the website.

Here's how it works:
Someone posts work they would like to have done, then writers, or whatever your trade is, put bids in on the jobs. To bid, I write a few lines about myself and my experience, say how much I'm willing to work for, either per job or hourly, and the amount of hours I can commit.

I put bids in on two or three jobs today. When I got home from dinner, I had an email waiting informing me that I was selected out of nine bids for a writing job! I think it probably helped that I was willing to work for a little less than the average since I don't have a ton of experience yet. I also have quite a bit of time on my hands. I will complete three assignments at a fixed rate, then I will be evaluated to see if they would like to work with me long term. I'm so excited!

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